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Kallangur State School


Kallangur State School

In late 2023, the Kallangur State School in Brisbane unveiled its new, state-of-the-art learning centre, designed to support the growing needs of its school community. This 2-storey facility features eight modern classrooms, outdoor and practical learning areas, as well as staff facilities and amenities.

The building showcases the use of ALPOLIC™ NC/A1 panels, with a sophisticated Aluminum Gray finish on the curtain wall and a striking Dark Gray Metallic on the bay window elements, adding both visual appeal and high safety standards.

Funded by an $11.8 million investment from the Queensland Government’s Growth Learning Spaces program, the project also included the refurbishment of three existing teaching blocks. These upgrades have modernised the classrooms and expanded their capacity, ensuring that the school can continue to provide high-quality education.

Reflecting the school’s 93-year tradition of community engagement, local businesses and workers were integral to the project, boosting both the local economy and providing valuable training opportunities for tradespeople and apprentices. The learning centre was completed in August 2023, and the refurbished classrooms are now also in use.


Giarola Architects


James Trowse


BVW Group



Product info:

ALPOLIC™ NC/A1 in Aluminium Grey and Dark Grey Metallic

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