Discover the important factors to consider when designing or specifying bespoke metal ceilings to help you achieve project success and impress clients.
Category Archives: ceilings
5 considerations when choosing the right modular metal ceiling
Elevate your space’s design and discover the considerations that need to be made when selecting modular metal ceilings for your commercial project.
Bringing the bespoke architectural ceiling for Victoria Cross Metro Station to life
Learn what’s involved in creating and designing the bespoke metal ceiling for the Sydney Metro Victoria Cross Station to deliver a seamless and integrated ceiling system fit for this innovative transport hub.
What are modular metal ceilings?
Discover the benefits of modular metal ceilings in this informative guide and determine the right modular metal ceilings for your project.
Suspended Ceiling Systems Save the Day for Fairvale High School
With Fairvale High School announced as one of ten NSW Ambassador Schools based on academic performance in 2022, it was also fitting for the high-performance durlum suspended ceiling system to be part of the school upgrade. Sleek and beautiful, the ceilings contribute to the modern school’s future-focused learning and playing environment.
Modern Ceiling Systems and Their Impact on Health and Wellbeing
According to the shifting demographics of the Australian population, demand for health care and aged care will eventually outpace supply. In this context, greater scrutiny is being placed on the design and construction of healthcare and aged care facilities and how they can improve the lives of patients and residents.
Metal Ceilings Future-Proof New Sydney Education Precinct
When 2,500 students of all ages entered the brand-new Meadowbank Education Precinct in 2022, the metal ceilings lining the major community facilities, covered passageways, and learning/recreational covered outdoor spaces were as innovative and modern as this State Government concept school.
Case study: Durlum airtight metal ceilings
When it comes to providing the best possible healthcare, being able to restrict and manage airflow to reduce the transfer of airborne pathogens is paramount. This case study shares how Durlum is addressing the challenges of healthcare facilities with its innovative ceiling solutions.
Specification of metal ceilings for transportation projects
Designers, architects and specifiers play a critical role in infrastructure projects that need to manage risk and safety, and ensure both community and commercial viability. This whitepaper provides an introduction to the key considerations when designing metal ceiling systems for transport infrastructure buildings.